Support community and belonging at the U of M

At the University of Minnesota, we believe that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment allows people from all backgrounds to contribute their meaningful and unique perspectives, creating an enriched community experience and a sense of belonging for us all.

Philanthropy can drive social change and open doors for members of the University of Minnesota community and far beyond. Your generosity and commitment are making the University a place of opportunity for everyone.

Featured funds

More than money

Students say scholarships provide more than financial support. They also provide opportunities, motivation, and inspiration. Watch the video

Give to the CFANS Diversity and Inclusion Student Support Fund
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Language keeper

Advised to follow her passion, Jaeden King aspires to help preserve the Ojibwe language by bringing it to schools in her community. Read more

Give to the Ojibwe Language Program Fund
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Growth and gratitude

Grads and postdoctoral researchers get teaching (and learning) experience in multigenerational classrooms through the OLLI Scholars program. Read more

Give to the OLLI Scholars Program Fund
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'Difficult stories'

UMD theatre major Oliver Swimeley is bringing underrepresented voices out of the shadows—and on to the stage. Read more

Give to the UMD Disability Services Resources Fund
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What donors are saying

“My education changed my life. Coming from a small northern Minnesota town, it was my first experience with diversity and opened my eyes to global opportunity and social justice.”

Carrie, Duluth, MN

“I believe that higher education is one of the most important means of developing a better, more diverse society that works for all of us.”

Dorothy, Golden Valley, MN

“We support ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive, welcoming, and successful college experience for students from modest income backgrounds, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities.”

Bruce and Sharyn, Burnsville, MN

“Every dollar that we give … is a vote. So I’m voting – a number of times – for having a more equitable and diverse University of Minnesota.”

David, Minneapolis, MN

“Our Black, Indigenous, international, students of color, queer, and disabled students are creative, intelligent, funny, and engaged in the community. They are an asset to our university and deserve to be supported in all ways possible.”

Liz, Morris, MN