Yearly giving results
2024 giving results
The following figures summarize giving to the University of Minnesota in fiscal year 2024, which ran from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. These figures are reported by the University of Minnesota Foundation, which raises and manages gifts to the U of M.
University-wide fundraising results
Fiscal 2024 | Fiscal 2023 | Fiscal 2014 | |
Gifts, pledges, and other future commitments | $392 million | $347 million | $282 million |
Distributions for University purposes* | $284 million | $263 million | $184 million |
University of Minnesota Foundation endowment* | $3.7 billion | $3.3 billion | $1.9 billion |
Combined University endowments* | $6.0 billion | $5.5 billion | $3.2 billion |
How this year’s giving total stacks up
Donors of 2024 gifts
Total: 90,720
This includes all donors who have made gifts to the U.
- Alumni 36,438 40%
- Other individuals 50,767 56%
- Organizations 3,515 4%
Purpose of 2024 gifts
Total: $392 million
Gifts raised include outright gifts, pledges, and future commitments.
- Program support* $151 million 38%
- Student support $114 million 29%
- Research $42 million 11%
- Faculty and staff support $34 million 9%
- Capital improvement $29 million 7%
- Outreach and community engagement $22 million 6%
* Includes crossdisciplinary support, undesignated planned gifts, and support for campus programs
Types of 2024 gifts
Total: $392 million
- Cash and pledges $229 million 58%
- Future (estate and deferred gifts) $160 million 41%
- Property and in-kind gifts $3 million 1%